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Vanishing Volatile

Working on tests with code that is threaded lead to a situation where we needed to use the volatile keyword, until we didn't.


Recently I came across a need to use volatile At the time my spider senses were tingling; I wasn’t sure. Later, after confirming it was necessary, we changed the code to remove the need for the keyword. What follows is the same message, a bit longer.

The Beginning

A team I’ve been coaching was working on code that was multi-threaded. More on that later, but in summary:

As I looked at the code collecting the log lines, it looked something like the following;

public void track(String logLines) {
    this.logs += logLines + '\n';

This code is inefficient, to be sure, but when I saw that, and realized that another thread was looking at the collected value, I was pretty certain that we needed something like the following on the field:

private volatile String logs = "";

The reason my spider senses were tingling was because I had read Concurrent Programming in Java back when it was published.

We got the test passing and then “verified” that volatile was needed by seeing the test fail without it and pass with it.

Time, as usual, to the rescue

Later that evening I realized that the hunch I had was nearly correct. I was thinking in terms of values rather than refernces. Strings are constant; their values do not change. in this particular case the issue was a reference changing versus its value.

The volatile keyword informs java to not assume values are fixed. The thread waiting for the value, checking it every so often, got a reference the first time it ran, but never checked the reference again. The other thread changes the value (and reference) every chance it gets.

Take a look at the following: Snapshots in Time

At Time 1, the LogGobbler points to an empty string. As the main thread starts, it picks up that reference, and caches it.

Also at Time 1, the gobbler thread starts and points to the exact same object (a String in memory.

The main thread checks the log values, waiting for a signal to that it is OK to continue. However, since the thread assumes the underlying value of the field isn’t changing, it keeps checking the original value.

Once logs start flowing, the gobbler thread picks up all the available lines and appends them to its internal field. Since strings are immutable, the code actually creates a new string and sets the field to the new string.

However, at T2, the main thread isn’t paying attention because it is cached. In fact, as the code is written, that’s what will always happen.

At Time 3 and going forward, nothing really changes.

So as written, the code requires volatile

But do it better

String concatenation is inefficient. In this particular case efficiency doesn’t matter. However, in addition to being inefficient, it makes things like threading a bit more of an issue.

Collecting strings in a StringBuilder is a better general solution. As it turns out, it also resolves the need for the volatile keyword.

Now the field looks like this:

private StringBuilder logs = new StringBuilder();

Since each thread uses the same reference, and also, since that reference does not change, there’s no need to mark this reference as volatile This field could be final though I don’t generally use final

Now both threads look at the same object, a StringBuilder, whose reference never changes, but its internals change as one thread appends logs to it. Volatile Vanished


I don’t have a conclusion so much as an a-ha. I was pleasantly surprised that I guessed right for the need to use volatile I wasn’t exactly on but I was in the right general area.

I was more happy when we improved (and simplified) the implementation and removed the need for volatile altogether.

Published 04 November 2019

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