gargoyle image Collected works and current thoughts

Change Through Fixation

The habit of forming habits might be a better place to keep your brain.


You can break down old habits and open up new possibilities if you are willing to treat your mind and body as a complex system that you can train. One way is the practice of starting new practices. In doing this, you begin to use external changes to restructure the firing patterns of your brain. As you continue to this meta practice, it becomes a part of the executive function of the brain. That is, you train your brain to prefer to train.

It becomes less expensive to learn, because the practice of doing so forces the brain to internally restructure over time to reduce the cost of repeated interaction loops.

This is a paradoxical suggestion. On the one hand, we are trying to break existing habits to try to get free from them. On the other, in creating a new habit, you become captured by it.

Personally, I prefer paradox. I don’t get reality, so why should a recommendation to change it make sense?

Published 23 January 2024

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