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SoS Teacher Training Notes Day 7

Collecting notes from day 7, Wide Dog, Passive Squat, Twister

Mind Map from Elwanda Klucik

Science of Stretching Mind Map

March 2024 Class

Wide Dog

Like short dog, feet wide, target between shoulders




Passive Squat





Supine passive twist. Expect spinal articulations (pops)





2022 SoS Teacher Training

Warning: This is me working ahead using the notes from the last class, my guess is we will workshop different poses on our day 7. Even so, the instruction and content might be for a different day, but the information should be correct.

Wide Dog

Same setup as short dog, with feet wide. Intention is to target between the shoulders. Where we use pretzel arms to stretch this area, this pose might help to relax thoracic spine down to the floor. It might also target the back of the legs. (Side note) I did this pose for 2 years and targeted the backs of my legs. After watching this video and making the adjustment using a stool, it unfroze my shoulders from when I fell off a train bridge around 1982. A week later, I managed to engage my pelvic floor. This one adjustment is worth the price of the class alone.




Passive Squat



Twister - asymmetrical

A supine (on your back) pose. This is a personal favorite, and also one that I have to be doubly careful coming out of when my right leg is on top.



To Come Out (what I do):



In this style of practice it is hard to do twists. Hard to be passive in a twist, we often use muscular strength to achieve axial rotation. Using muscles stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. We are trying to use Yang to achieve Yin. And from a survival basis, the sympathetic nervous system is going to win. Physiologically, the sympathetic nervous system can turn on instantly (fight, flight, freeze), whereas the parasympathetic nervous system takes a minimum (average/typical) of 20 minutes to kick in once the fight/flight/freeze response has kicked it. It takes that amount of time to clear the various stress hormones injected into the bloodstream.

Personal Experience:

TAKE time getting out of this. It would be easy after doing this pose to tear your lower back / QL (Quadratus Lumborum) if you turn back too fast. In a 5-minute twister, I take 30 - 45 seconds to come out. You cannot come out too slowly.

Published 23 March 2024

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