I’m working on an example of developing acceptance tests using a Digital Video Recorder as my problem domain. After several acceptance tests I started working on the idea of season pass priorities. In a nutshell, a season pass says “record all episodes of a given program”. When you add priority, then the highest-priority season pass takes precedence. For example, say you can only record one program at a time and on Monday Evening you want to record House at 7 PM CST as well as Chuck, same time, different channel. If House is the higher priority program, it should be recorded.
So I wanted to create several tests around priority with dimensions like:
- Number of programs that can be recorded at the same time (1, 2, 4)
- Priority when there is no conflict.
- Priority when there is conflict.
- Priority when there is conflict and then an episode gets removed from the schedule.
- …
First thing I wanted to do was create a schedule to test against. A program has zero to many episodes and I want to be able to create them in different ways. My first thought was to us a script table.
Script Table
I like Script tables because they remind me of Smalltalk. I like to use them when I need to create things that have one to many relationships and I want to create them together.
A program has a normal day and time and is on a channel. An episode can be at any day or time, but is the same day and time of the program by default.
Here is a script table that first creates a program and then adds 4 episodes to it:
|script|Program Scheduler |
|$B= |Create Program Named|BSG|On Channel|247 |Every|Friday |At |9:00|Duration|60|
|ensure|Add Episode To |$B |Named |He That ... |On |2008/4/4 |Duration|45 |
|ensure|Add Episode To |$B |Named |Six of One |On |2008/4/11|Duration|30 |
|ensure|Add Episode To |$B |Named |The Ties That Bind|On |2008/4/18|Duration|15 |
|ensure|Add Episode To |$B |Named |Escape Velocity |On |2008/4/25|Duration|10 |
- The first line creates a new instance of a Fixture (calls the constructor). In this case it is the ProgramScheduler class.
- The next line executes a method called “CreateProgramNamedOnChannelEveryAtDuration”. The method returns a value (the id of the program created), which is stored in a variable called $B.
- The next 4 lines all starting with “ensure” call a method named “AddEpisodeToNamedOnDuration”. The value returned from the second line, which was stored in $B, is used as input into each of these lines.
This particular example creates one program:
- Named Battlestar Galactica
- On channel 247
- Every Friday
- At 9:00
- With a duration of 60 minutes
Next, 4 episodes are added to that program with the following names:
- He That …
- Six of One
- The Ties That Bind
- Escape Velocity
Decision Tables
This was fine initially, but for some tests I wanted to make more stuff with less verbage. I needed a lower-fidelity way to create more things. By lower-fidelity, I really mean it was OK for some things to be less flexible (e.g. episode duration always being the same as the default value).
Then I decided to try Decision tables:
|Create Programs|
|Name |Channel|DayOfWeek|TimeOfDay|DurationInMinutes|id? |
|House|4 |Monday |19:00 |60 |$ID=|
|Create Episodes |
|Program Id|Name |Date |
|$ID |He figures it out based on something Wilson says. |2009/4/1|
|$ID |He's wrong many times but then in the last minute is right.|2009/4/2|
|$ID |They break into someone's house. |2008/3/1|
This accomplishes the same kind of thing in a more succinct manner than the script table.
- The first table creates a single program, but notice it would be easy to add any number of programs to this table by adding additional rows.
- The second table creates three episodes.
FYI, here’s an example query table to validate these results:
|query:Episodes |$ID |
|name |date |startTime|durationInMinutes|
|He figures it out based on something Wilson says. |2009/4/1|19:00 |60 |
|He's wrong many times but then in the last minute is right.|2009/4/2|19:00 |60 |
|They break into someone's house. |2008/3/1|19:00 |60 |
Table Table
As already mentioned, I envisioned my domain with two separate concepts, Programs and Episodes. This might be a mistake but for now I am not considering whether it is or is not. An episode can only exist with a Program. Season passes operate on episodes, not programs. (If anything, removing the Program concept would probably simplify things.) So I needed a way to create a bunch of programs and episodes. I also needed a good way to be able to see what I was doing.
So I came up with the following table:
|Table:Create Schedule |
|start time|1:00 |
|200 |aaaaBBccccccccDDDDeeeffffffffffgggggggghhhiijklmnopqrstttuvwxyzzzzzz|
|247 |aaaaBBBBccccDDDDeeeeFFFFggggHHHHiiiiJJJJkkkkLLLLmmmmNNNNooooPPPPqqqq|
|302 |aaBBccDDeeFFggHHiiJJkkLLmmNNooPPqqRRssTTuuVV |
|501 |____________________aaBBccDDeeFFggHHiiJJkkLLmmNNooPPqqRRssTTuuVV |
|556 |______aaBBccDDeeFFggHHiiJJkkLLmmNNooPPqqRRssTTuuVV |
- The first line calls a Table Fixture called Create Schedule.
- The second line defines the time of day this schedule starts, 1 AM.
- The next 5 lines describe a schedule of programs. Each line:
- Starts with the channel number
- Has letters for a program, e.g., aaa, BB, cccccccc.
- The length of the name determines its duration, with 15 per letter.
- Names are all the same letter (case included).
- An underscore means “no program scheduled”
I came up with this right from the domain (and I doubt I’m the first person to do something like list). I was trying to visualize the program schedule to figure out how to create it quickly and it occurred to me that I could do that like I did above.
How is this any better?
- I can create a program schedule very quickly.
- I can add episodes even easier.
- For the kinds of tests where I’m worried about overlap, it is easier to describe the expected result since it fits on a screen so nicely.
Give the above episodes, I can now create the following season passes:
- hhh on channel 200
- kkkk on channel 247
- VV on channel 302
- kk on channel 501
- ss on channel 556
Then, depending on their order, (priority) I can verify that what is scheduled is correct. For example, give the above order and assuming one recording at a time, the “to do” list should include:
- hhh on 200
- VV on 247
If I can instead record two things at the same time, then the “to do” list should include:
- hhh on 200
- kkkk on 247
- VV on 302
And that’s it. If the order is reversed, then the following programs will get recorded:
- ss on channel 556
- kk on channel 501
For me, this makes it much easier to:
- Express a schedule
- Find examples that will have both conflicting and non-conflicting programs
- Easily verify the rules
This last form was harder to code but easier to write expressive tests. When working with acceptance tests, this seems like the correct trade off.
I used TDD to verify parsing of the table and then connected the table parser to the fixture and got the schedule built quickly.
Update as of March 2009
I was visiting my good friend David Nunn in Dallas and I showed him my “fluent” or DSL-esque table and he said “ugh! that’s ugly!” He looked at it and pointed out that it looked like gibberish and also pointed out that I’d need to use a fixed-point font (I didn’t tell him I put in pre and tags). He was right, of course. So I improved this table to this next version:
|Table:Create Schedule v2 |
| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |
|501| | | | | |aaBB|ccDD|eeFF|ggHH|iiJJ|kkLL|mmNN|ooPP|qqRR|
|556| |__aa|BBcc|DDee|FFgg|HHii|JJkk|LLmm|NNoo|PPqq|RRss|TTuu|VVxx|xxxx|
To get this to work at first, I simply converted the row into a string and parsed it using the original parser. Of course, this only works if each cell is 4 letters long (or the same length). A real parser should handle this correctly. Even so, it greatly improves the match to the metaphor.