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Rapid Intro to using Slim with .Net

Thanks to Mike Stockdale for both writing the slim .Net implementation as well as helping me to get this working.

Get SliM.net

Note, this tool is called fitsharp, but it is actually an implementation of Slim for FitNesse. So while this title of this section does not patch the tool title, it better represents what the tool is.

Get FitNesse

title: FitNesse.Installing —

  • Download FitNesse
  • Place the downloaded zip file in some directory (hint, this next step creates a directory called FitNesseunder where you execute this command). For reference, I’ll be using ~/src/. The next step will create ~/src/FitNesse
  • Execute the jar file once to get it extracted:
    java -jar fitnesse.jar

Note, this also attempts to start FitNesse on port 80. After this is done, you’ll either see an error message (if port 80 is in use):

    FitNesse cannot be started...
    Port 80 is already in use.
    Use the -p <port#> command line argument to use a different port.```

Or you’ll see a message similar to this:

        port:              80
        root page:         fitnesse.wiki.FileSystemPage at ./FitNesseRoot
        logger:            none
        authenticator:     fitnesse.authentication.PromiscuousAuthenticator
        html page factory: fitnesse.html.HtmlPageFactory
        page version expiration set to 14 days.

If you see the second option, kill FitNesse for now (hit ctrl-C).

Starting FitNesse

All of the tutorials assume you are running FitNesse on port 8080. These instructions show you how to start FitNesse on port 8080.

    C:\slim\fitnesse>run.bat -p 8080
    C:\slim\fitnesse>java -jar fitnesse.jar -p 8080
    FitNesse (v20090220) Started...
            port:              8080
            root page:         fitnesse.wiki.FileSystemPage at ./FitNesseRoot
            logger:            none
            authenticator:     fitnesse.authentication.PromiscuousAuthenticator
            html page factory: fitnesse.html.HtmlPageFactory
            page version expiration set to 14 days.
    Macintosh-8% sh run.sh -p 8080
    java -jar fitnesse.jar -p 8080
    FitNesse (v20090406) Started...
    	port:              8080
    	root page:         fitnesse.wiki.FileSystemPage at ./FitNesseRoot
    	logger:            none
    	authenticator:     fitnesse.authentication.PromiscuousAuthenticator
    	html page factory: fitnesse.html.HtmlPageFactory
    	page version expiration set to 14 days.

Update root page in FitNesse

Note, recent versions of FitNesse (after September 2009) do not require this step. The instructions will still work, there just won’t be any work for you. And as mentioned above, these steps assume you’re running FitNesse on your machine at port 8080, update the URL as necessary.

    !path classes
    !path fitnesse.jar

In fact, it is safe to remove everything from the root page (and probably a good idea).

Create a page with necessary configuration

Note, if you are just using FitNesse for .Net, then you could put this information on the root page (that’s what I’d recommend in fact). For this example, I recommend using [[http://localhost:8080/FirstExample]].

    !define TEST_SYSTEM {slim}
    !define COMMAND_PATTERN {%m -r fitSharp.Slim.Service.Runner,c:\tools\nslim\fitsharp.dll %p}
    !define TEST_RUNNER {c:\tools\nslim\Runner.exe}

Other than updating the directories, you can use this as is. It can be on a page by itself (e.g. on the root page or a page at the top of your test hierarchy).

Add references to your dll’s

    !path C:\projects\slim_example\slim_example\obj\Debug\slim_example.dll

Add a Test Table

Create a table. This is an example of a decision table taken from FitNesse itself. You can see the complete example at: http://localhost:8080/FitNesse.SliM.DecisionTable (of course update the URL as necessary).

    |should I buy milk|
    |cash in wallet|credit card|pints of milk remaining|go to store?|
    |      0       |    no     |      0                |    no      |
    |      10      |    no     |      0                |    yes     |
    |      0       |    yes    |      0                |    yes     |
    |      10      |    yes    |      0                |    yes     |
    |      0       |    no     |      1                |    no      |

Here’s the complete page

This is all of the above as a single page, which is what I actually did for this example:

    !define TEST_SYSTEM {slim}
    !define COMMAND_PATTERN {%m -r fitSharp.Slim.Service.Runner,c:\tools\nslim\fitsharp.dll %p}
    !define TEST_RUNNER {c:\tools\nslim\Runner.exe}
    !path C:\projects\slim_example\slim_example\obj\Debug\slim_example.dll
    |Should I Buy Milk|
    |cash in wallet|credit card|pints of milk remaining|go to store?|
    |      0       |    no     |      0                |    no      |
    |      10      |    no     |      0                |    yes     |
    |      0       |    yes    |      0                |    yes     |
    |      10      |    yes    |      0                |    yes     |
    |      0       |    no     |      1                |    no      |

Create the Fixture Code

Here’s the C# class that supports the “should I buy milk” decision table:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    namespace slim_example
      public class ShouldIBuyMilk
        private int _cash;
        private int _pintsOfMilkRemaining;
        private string _useCreditCard;
        public void SetCashInWallet(int cash)
          _cash = cash;
        public void SetCreditCard(string useCreditCard)
          _useCreditCard = useCreditCard;
        public void SetPintsOfMilkRemaining(int pints)
          _pintsOfMilkRemaining = pints;
        public string GoToStore()
          if (_cash > 0 || _useCreditCard.Equals("yes"))
            return "yes";
          return "no";

Note, the methods execute(), reset() and table(…) should be optional. Eventually they will be, but this is a early release of the Slim.Net implementation.

There are three “hook” methods you can also add:

Name Description
Execute() Called once for each row, after setting all of the fields/attributes/properties (calling all of the setX methods).
Reset() Called once for each row, after completely processing the entire row.
Table(…) Called once for each table, before everything else.

Here are example implementations for those methods:

    public void Execute()

    public void Reset()

    public List<object> Table(List<List<String>> table)
      return null;


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