Rpn Calculator Source w/ FitNesse Tests
- You’ll need a jvm already installed for this example to work
- Download the zip file: Archive.zip
- Create a directory to hold its contents
- Extract the file into that directory
- You’ll see three entires (maybe a few more):
- fitnesse.jar
- RpnCalculator.jar
- FitNesseRoot
- Go to directory and type (you can use another port value than 8080):
java -jar fitnesse.jar -p 8080
- Open your favorite brower and to to the follow url: http://localhost:8080/RpnCalculatorExamplesByIteration
This should get you started. Note that the FitNesseRoot directory contains all of the tests I demonstrated in my talk. Also, the attached RpnCalculator.jar file contains all of the source files. There are several unit tests as well as some acceptance tests written using JUnit.