Smoke Test
- Download this jar file Registrar.jar
- Start a command prompt and change to the directory where you downloaded Registrar.jar
- At a command prompt, type the following command (making sure you are using a Java 5 VM or later)
java -javaagent:Registrar.jar -Dschuchert.ClassFileTransformer=schuchert.agent.NullClassFileTransformer schuchert.agent.Main
- Verify that you see only the following output:
Congratulations, everything seems to be working
If you see anything else, check here
Contents of Jar
The Registrar.jar file contains several things, including source and class files and even a JUnit 4 test. IF you want to actually run that test, you’ll need to have the following in your class path:
- JUnit 4.4 (not shipped with Eclipse 3.3 or before)
- JMOck 2.4 Or better yet, you can just download this Eclipse 3.3 workspace and run the tests within eclipse:
- Download this file
- Extract the file to some directory, e.g. PC: c:\workspaces or Mac: /Users/schuchert/workspaces
- This creates a directory called JavaAgent under the target directory
- Start Eclipse
- Select the JavaAgent directory when Eclipse asks for a workspace, e.g. PC: c:\workspaces\JavaAgent or Mac: /Users/schuchert/workspaces/JavaAgent
- You might get a few errors regarding not being able to open some perspectives, (e.g. if you do not have the subclipse perspective installed). You can safely ignore these errors.
- Select the project JavaAgentRegistrar
- Right-click:Run As:Junit Test
If you want to verify that you can also run a Java Application, do the following:
- Expand the JavaAgentRegistrar project
- Open the package schuchert.agent
- Select
- Right-click:Run As:Java Application
- You will probably get an error in the console because you need to set execution properties for Main:
- Right-click on
- Select:Run As:Open Run Dialog…
- Click on the (x) = Arguments tab
- Under VM arguments: enter the following: -javaagent:Registrar.jar -Dschuchert.ClassFileTransformer=schuchert.agent.NullClassFileTransformer
- Click Run
Recreate Registrar.jar
- Open the JavaAgentRegistrar project
- Select RecreateJar.jardesc
- Right-click and select *Create JAR This will create a new jar and replace the one that is currently in that project.