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Code Coverage with Emma

This example is based on the Car_Rental_Example. If you want work through this example, you need to follow these instructions first.

In this example, we add code coverage to the Car Rental Application. We then examine the results, make some changes and finish with a few conclusions.

Setup and Configuration

Emma does not currently come with a plugin, so in this example we’ll use Ant from within Eclipse. I’ll warn you that I’m not much of an Ant user, so if you’d like to make recommendations, please feel free: schuchert@yahoo.com.

Let’s get started:


suite() method

Ant 1.6.5 does not play nice with JUnit 4.x, so I added a suite() method to each of my classes. Depending on when you downloaded this file, you already have those suite methods.

Ant Script

When you followed these instructions, you should have created a workspace with three projects:

Under CarRental there is an xml directory that contains two ant build files:

(By the way, let me give credit where it’s due, I got most of this from Getting Started with Emma using Ant.


01: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
02: <project name="emma_run" default="run">
04: 	<property name="emma.dir" value="C:/libs/emma-2.0.5312/lib" />
06: 	<path id="emma.lib">
07: 		<pathelement location="${emma.dir}/emma.jar" />
08: 		<pathelement location="${emma.dir}/emma_ant.jar" />
09: 	</path>
11: 	<taskdef resource="emma_ant.properties" classpathref="emma.lib" />
13: 	<target name="init">
14: 		<property name="base.dir" value="C:/workspaces/CarRentalExample/CarRental" />
15: 		<property name="bin.dir" value="${base.dir}/bin" />
16: 		<property name="emmaresults.dir" value="${base.dir}/emma_results" />
17: 		<delete dir="${emmaresults.dir}/_files" quiet="true" />
18: 		<mkdir dir="${emmaresults.dir}/_files" />
19: 		<property name="testreport.dir" value="${emmaresults.dir}/reports" />
20: 		<delete dir="{testreport.dir}" quiet="true"/>
21: 		<mkdir dir="${testreport.dir}" />
22: 		<property name="spring.jar" value="C:/libs/spring-framework-2.0-rc2/dist/spring.jar" />
23: 		<property name="spring.lib" value="C:/libs/spring-framework-2.0-rc2/lib" />
24: 		<property name="aspectj.lib" value="C:/libs/aspectj/lib" />
26: 		<property name="loggingutil.dir" value="C:/workspaces/CarRentalExample/LoggingUtils" />
27: 		<property name="src.dir" value="${base.dir}/src" />
28: 		<property name="test.dir" value="${base.dir}/test" />
30: 		<path id="run.classpath">
31: 			<pathelement location="${bin.instr.dir}" />
32: 			<pathelement location="${bin.dir}" />
33: 			<pathelement location="${loggingutil.dir}/bin" />
34: 			<pathelement location="${aspectj.lib}/aspectjlib.jar" />
35: 			<pathelement location="${aspectj.lib}/aspectjrt.jar" />
36: 			<pathelement location="${aspectj.lib}/aspectjweaver.jar" />
37: 			<pathelement location="${spring.jar}" />
38: 			<pathelement location="${spring.lib}/jakarta-commons/commons-logging.jar" />
39: 			<pathelement location="${spring.lib}/log4j/log4j-1.2.13.jar" />
40: 		</path>
41: 	</target>
43: 	<target name="emma" depends="init" description="turns on EMMA instrumentation/reporting">
44: 		<property name="emma.enabled" value="true" />
45: 		<property name="out.instr.dir" value="${emmaresults.dir}/bin_instr" />
46: 	</target>
48: 	<target name="run" depends="init, emma" description="runs the examples">
49: 		<emma enabled="${emma.enabled}">
50: 			<instr instrpathref="run.classpath" destdir="${out.instr.dir}" metadatafile="${emmaresults.dir}/metadata.emma" merge="false">
51: 				<filter value="+vehicle.*" />
52: 			</instr>
53: 		</emma>
55: 		<junit dir="${testreport.dir}" maxmemory="512m" failureproperty="test.failure" printSummary="withOutAndErr" fork="true" showoutput="yes" forkmode="once" haltonerror="true">
56: 			<jvmarg value="-Demma.coverage.out.file=${emmaresults.dir}/coverage.emma" />
57: 			<jvmarg value="-Demma.coverage.out.merge=false" />
58: 			<formatter type="plain" />
59: 			<classpath>
60: 				<pathelement location="${out.instr.dir}" />
61: 				<path refid="run.classpath" />
62: 				<path refid="emma.lib" />
63: 			</classpath>
64: 			<classpath location="${loggingutil.dir}/bin" />
65: 			<classpath location="${aspectj.lib}/aspectjlib.jar" />
66: 			<classpath location="${aspectj.lib}/aspectjrt.jar" />
67: 			<classpath location="${aspectj.lib}/aspectjweaver.jar" />
68: 			<classpath location="${spring.jar}" />
69: 			<classpath location="${spring.lib}/jakarta-commons/commons-logging.jar" />
70: 			<classpath location="${spring.lib}/log4j/log4j-1.2.13.jar" />
71: 			<classpath location="${base.dir}/bin/" />
72: 			<batchtest todir="${testreport.dir}">
73: 				<fileset dir="${base.dir}/bin/">
74: 					<include name="**/*Test.class" />
75: 				</fileset>
76: 			</batchtest>
77: 		</junit>
79: 		<emma enabled="${emma.enabled}">
80: 			<report sourcepath="${src.dir};${test.dir}">
81: 				<fileset dir="${emmaresults.dir}">
82: 					<include name="*.emma" />
83: 				</fileset>
85: 				<txt outfile="${emmaresults.dir}/coverage.txt" />
86: 				<html outfile="${emmaresults.dir}/coverage.html" />
87: 			</report>
88: 		</emma>
90: 		<delete dir="${out.instr.dir}" />
91: 	</target>
93: </project>

Interesting Lines


Update Tests


Assuming you’ve updated the emma.xml file and set all of the relevant properties for your environment, then do the following:

I considered adding the following line to emma.xml:

<eclipse.refreshLocal resourcePath="CarRental" depth="infinite"/>

This would force a refresh but it also requires that you run the ant script in the same VM as Eclipse.

Preliminary Analysis

With your directory refreshed, you’re ready to have a look at the output:

name class, % method, % block, % line, %
all classes 94% (78/83) 83% (527/636) 80% (6040/7578) 81% (1579.7/1956)
vehicle.type 83% (10/12) 68% (56/82) 63% (437/692) 67% (104.4/155)
vehicle.configuration 100%(2/2) 80% (8/10) 67% (73/109) 68% (21/31)
vehicle.integration 100%(4/4) 84% (37/44) 71% (470/662) 72% (118.7/164)
vehicle.component.vehicletype 100%(2/2) 77% (23/30) 73% (320/438) 71% (82.5/116)
vehicle.component.rateplan 100%(2/2) 87% (46/53) 76% (804/1061) 74% (219.1/295)
vehicle.reference 100%(1/1) 62% (5/8) 78% (84/108) 81% (22/27)
vehicle.component.vehicle 100%(2/2) 87% (20/23) 83% (216/259) 81% (63.4/78)
vehicle.domain 100%(26/26) 86% (199/231) 84% (1908/2275) 87% (502/575)
vehicle.validation 88% (14/16) 85% (58/68) 84% (669/793) 85% (198/234)
vehicle.util 100%(4/4) 80% (12/15) 85% (109/128) 84% (32/38)
vehicle.exception 80% (4/5) 67% (4/6) 89% (70/79) 69% (9/13)
vehicle.component.rentalagreement 100%(2/2) 95% (21/22) 89% (230/257) 90% (68.2/76)
vehicle.integration.inmemory 100%(5/5) 86% (38/44) 91% (650/717) 90% (139.4/154)

So I have roughly 81% code coverage with 106 unit tests and I have a few problem areas:

Over the next several sections, we will look at each package with less than 80% code coverage, assess each class and plan out our changes. For you to follow along, you’ll need to execute the Emma ant script and then look at the classes to understand the assessments.


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