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Car Rental Installation and Setup

This project uses Eclipse 3.2 and JDK 1.5.0_06. I have a few additional plugins installed into Eclipse. These are all optional:



This project also requires several libraries:


The Gory Details

Here are the full instructions. Note that if you’ve already downloaded/installed any of the above, you’ll just need to use your directories instead of the examples provided here.

Download Everything

Install/Unzip Everything

Eclipse/Environment Configuration

Import the included Eclipse Preferences

Optional: Checkstyle Configuration

Optional: PMD Configuration

Set Classpath Variables

These steps are optional if you’ve installed Eclipse and the various libs in the same directories as I’ve used.

Import the three extracted projects into the Eclipse workspace

Verify Tests

Optional: Code Coverage

Optional: Run PMD


" Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.