Abstract Factory Pattern Example
This section has an example of an abstract factory and two concrete implementations. The abstract factory returns math operators used by a calculator. The operators are examples of the Strategy pattern, aka function object, functor.
Here’s the abstract factory class:
class MathOperator ;
#include <string>
class MathOperatorFactory
MathOperatorFactory ();
virtual ~ MathOperatorFactory ();
virtual MathOperator & getOperatorNamed ( const std :: string & operatorName ) = 0 ;
#include "MathOperatorFactory.h"
MathOperatorFactory :: MathOperatorFactory ( void )
MathOperatorFactory ::~ MathOperatorFactory ( void )
Here’s a basic factory that provides MathOperators using conditional and static variables within a method:
#include "IfBasedMathOperatorFactory.h"
#include "Plus.h"
#include "Minus.h"
#include "Multiply.h"
#include "Divide.h"
#include "Factorial.h"
IfBasedMathOperatorFactory :: IfBasedMathOperatorFactory (){}
IfBasedMathOperatorFactory ::~ IfBasedMathOperatorFactory (){}
MathOperator & IfBasedMathOperatorFactory :: getOperatorNamed ( const std :: string & operatorName ) {
static Plus plus ;
static Minus minus ;
static Divide divide ;
static Multiply multiply ;
static Factorial factorial ;
if ( "+" == operatorName )
return plus ;
if ( "-" == operatorName )
return minus ;
if ( "*" == operatorName )
return multiply ;
if ( "!" == operatorName )
return factorial ;
if ( "/" == operatorName )
return divide ;
And here’s one that uses words like “plus” and “factorial” instead of “+” and “!”:
#include "FullyNamedMathOperatorFactory.h"
#include "Plus.h"
#include "Minus.h"
#include "Multiply.h"
#include "Divide.h"
#include "Factorial.h"
FullyNamedMathOperatorFactory :: FullyNamedMathOperatorFactory ( void ) {
nameToOperator [ "plus" ] = new Plus ();
nameToOperator [ "minus" ] = new Minus ();
nameToOperator [ "divide" ] = new Divide ();
nameToOperator [ "multiply" ] = new Multiply ();
nameToOperator [ "factorial" ] = new Factorial ();
FullyNamedMathOperatorFactory ::~ FullyNamedMathOperatorFactory ( void ) {
for ( MapType :: iterator iter = nameToOperator . begin (); iter != nameToOperator . end (); ++ iter )
delete ( * iter ). second ;
MathOperator & FullyNamedMathOperatorFactory :: getOperatorNamed ( const std :: string & operatorName ) {
MathOperator * mathOperator = nameToOperator [ operatorName ];
return * mathOperator ;