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Chapter 0: FitNesse in a Nutshell



This book is certainly about FitNesse. It is also a book about practicing Test Driven Development, where FitNesse is the outer-most test tool and a traditional unit testing framework is used to fill in the gaps. To successfully accomplish this, we are taking the approach of choosing one set of technologies end-to-end, rather than keeping things high level. To be sure, the material in this book will logically work with other technologies, but for the purpose of this book, we will be sticking to Java 1.6, JUnit 4.4, Mockito 1.8.2, git xxx, and, of course FitNesse.

That’s as much background as we want to discuss before getting you started on your first project.

Setting up your Environment

What follows are one-time environment setup steps. These instructions are high-level. This book is augmented with on-line materials to keep the heavily changing material in a fluid format. So what follows are high-level details to get started. For each section, there is a link to the most up to date instructions.

Install Java 1.6

Please refer to http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp for details.

Note that any version from 1.6 or later should work.

Install Eclipse

Please refer to http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ for details. Note that several versions will work, make sure to download a version with a Java support.

There is nothing particular to Eclipse that will make it work better than, say NetBeans or IntelliJ. I happen to use it and the on-line demonstrations will be in Eclipse.

Download Mockito

Download Mockito from here: http://code.google.com/p/mockito/downloads/list. As of the last time I updated the version number, I was using 1.8.2.

Install FitNesse

title: FitNesse.Installing —

  • Download FitNesse
  • Place the downloaded zip file in some directory (hint, this next step creates a directory called FitNesseunder where you execute this command). For reference, I’ll be using ~/src/. The next step will create ~/src/FitNesse
  • Execute the jar file once to get it extracted:
    java -jar fitnesse.jar

Note, this also attempts to start FitNesse on port 80. After this is done, you’ll either see an error message (if port 80 is in use):

    FitNesse cannot be started...
    Port 80 is already in use.
    Use the -p <port#> command line argument to use a different port.```

Or you’ll see a message similar to this:

        port:              80
        root page:         fitnesse.wiki.FileSystemPage at ./FitNesseRoot
        logger:            none
        authenticator:     fitnesse.authentication.PromiscuousAuthenticator
        html page factory: fitnesse.html.HtmlPageFactory
        page version expiration set to 14 days.

If you see the second option, kill FitNesse for now (hit ctrl-C).

Appendix 1: Mechanics

Appendix 2: Environment

?? Should these just be on a wiki somewhere?

Part 1: Tutorials and FitNesse Features

Tutorial Sequence 1: Technical Introduction to FitNesse Tables and Fixtures

??Tutorial Sequence 2: Story-Based Introduction to FitNesse Tables and Fixtures

Part 2: Best Practices


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