Port of schuchert.wikispaces.com


    java -jar fitnesse.jar

Note, this also attempts to start FitNesse on port 80. After this is done, you’ll either see an error message (if port 80 is in use):

    FitNesse cannot be started...
    Port 80 is already in use.
    Use the -p <port#> command line argument to use a different port.```

Or you’ll see a message similar to this:

        port:              80
        root page:         fitnesse.wiki.FileSystemPage at ./FitNesseRoot
        logger:            none
        authenticator:     fitnesse.authentication.PromiscuousAuthenticator
        html page factory: fitnesse.html.HtmlPageFactory
        page version expiration set to 14 days.

If you see the second option, kill FitNesse for now (hit ctrl-C).


" Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.