First Exercise
- Take one note card
- The instructor will give you a subject
- Write a few “bullets” about that subject (3 - 5 max)
- Indicate when you are done
In small groups
- Discuss your bullets within your groups
- Be prepared to report back to the group
The final instruction is verbal
- Please follow the instructions Keep track of your experience
- Be prepared to report back to the group
Class Exercise
What did you experience when given the verbal instructions?
Let me introduce:
- Myself
- The company
- Related courses
What about each of you?
- Related experience
- Objectives
- Daily schedule
- Breaks
- Cellphones/pagers
- Building layout
Manifesto for Agile Software Development
Agile Preferences
- Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
- Working software over comprehensive documentation
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
- Responding to change over following a plan
Major Objectives
Communicate, communicate, communicate
Apply agile practices related to requirements exploration
Work with the soft skills related to requirements
- Apply brainstorming techniques
- Making meetings effective
Apply incremental and iterative techniques to simulate project work
Course Flow
Every few slides we have an exercise
Information and skills are:
- Interleaved with practice
- Introduced incrementally
- Learned incrementally and iteratively
Class time:
- 30% discussion
- 70% simulation
Individual Exercise - Change
- The instructor is going to guide you through an exercise
- As you follow the instructions, please keep track of your experience
- Be prepared to report back to the class
Class Exercise
What was your experience during this exercise?