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This is a simple game using dice to simulate a project(what_if_you_do_not_have_dice). The primary goal is to give the players:

Getting Started

First we need to get some preliminary data:

We want to simulate a project either until it completes or for a fixed amount of time. We’ll start with your ITSP (Initial Total Story Points) and assume we’re going to complete IV (Initial Velocity) story points. What actually happens will be determine randomly using dice and tables (provided below).

For each iteration, we’ll use the values from the previous iteration along with some random dice values to determine what actually happened in the given iteration. We’ll keep doing this until you “run out of story points” or time runs out. What we’ll be calculating is:

After that, we’ll make a few graphs to track the progress of the project.


If during any iteration your total remaining story points is < half of your predicted velocity, then you can assume you finished during that iteration.


Iterations 1 - 2

Actual Roll Change Story Roll Change +/- Story Points
Velocity 1 -3d6 Points 1 -3d6 Roll 1 = 3d6
equals 2 -2d6 Added 2 -2d6 Roll 2 = 3d6
IVG 3 -1d6 or 3 -1d6 Change = Roll 1 - Roll 2
+/- 4 +1d6 Removed 4 +1d6 can be
–> 5 +2d6 –> 5 +2d6 positive
  6 +3d6   6 +3d6 or negative

Iteration 3 - 5

Actual Roll Change Story Roll Change +/- Story Points
Velocity 1 -2d6 Points 1 -3d6 Roll 1 = 2d6
equals 2 -1d6 Added 2 -2d6 Roll 2 = 2d6
IVG 3 -1d6 or 3 -1d6 Change = Roll 1 - Roll 2
+/- 4 +1d6 Removed 4 +1d6 can be
–> 5 +1d6 –> 5 +2d6 positive
  6 +2d6   6 +3d6 or negative

Iterations 6 - 9

Actual Roll Change Story Roll Change +/- Story Points
Velocity 1 -2d6 Points 1 -1d6 Roll 1 = 2d6
equals 2 -1d6 Added 2 -1d6 Roll 2 = 2d6
IVG 3 0 or 3 0 Change = Roll 1 - Roll 2
+/- 4 0 Removed 4 0 can be
–> 5 +1d6 –> 5 +1d6 positive
  6 +2d6   6 +1d6 or negative

Iterations 10+

Actual Roll Change Story Roll Change +/- Story Points
Velocity 1 -1d6 Points 1 -1d6 Roll 1 = 1d6
equals 2 -1d6 / 2 Added 2 -1d6 / 2 Roll 2 = 1d6
IVG 3 0 or 3 0 Change = Roll 1 - Roll 2
+/- 4 0 Removed 4 0 can be
–> 5 +1d6 / 2 –> 5 +1d6 / 2 positive
  6 +1d6   6 +1d6 or negative


Iteration 1

Actual Velocity

Roll 1d6 –> 6. The table says add 3d6 (rolled 14) Actual Velocity = 10 + 14 –> 24 (we completed 24 story points)

Story Points Added/Removed

Roll 1d6 –> 5. The table says add 2d6 (rolled 9), so we added 9 more story points of work

Changes to Estimates

Roll 1 = 8, Roll 2 = 7, Change = 8 - 7 –> +1

Story Points Remaining

Initial = 65 - completed (24) + points added/removed (9) + Changes (1) –> 51 points

Iteration 2

Actual Velocity

Previous = 24, Roll = 2, -2d6 (9), actual velocity = 15

Story Points Added/Removed

Roll = 6, +3d6 (8)

Changes to Estimates

Roll 1 = 9, Roll 2 = 7 –> +2

Story Points Remaining

Initial = 51 - completed (15) + points added/removed (8) + changes(2) –> 46

Iteration 3

(Note we use new tables)

Actual Velocity

Roll 1d6 (5) –> +1d6 (1) –> 15 + 1 –> 16

Story Points Added/Removed

Roll 1d6 (3) –> -1d6 –> -4

Changes to Estimates

Roll 1 (2d6) = 10, Roll 2 (2d6) = 12, Roll 1 - Roll 2 = -2

Story Points Remaining

Initial = 46 - completed (16) + points added/removed (-4) + changes(-2) –> 24

Iteration 4

Actual Velocity

Roll 1d6 = 1 –> -2d6 (4) –> 15 - 4 –> 11

Story Points Added/Removed

Roll 1d6 (1) –> -2d6 (-9)

Changes to Estimates

Roll 1 = 17, Roll 2 = 8, 17 - 8 = 9

Story Points Remaining

Initial = 24 - completed (11) + points added/removed(-9) + changed(9) –> 15

Iteration 5

Actual Velocity

Roll 1d6 (4) –> +1d6 (6) –> 17

Story Points Added/Removed

Roll 1d6 (3) –> -1d6 (-5)

Changes to Estimates

Roll 1 = 15, Roll 2 = 12 –> +3

Story Points Remaining

Initial = 15 - completed (17) + points added/removed (-5) + changes(3) ==> -4 (we finished!)

Example Summary

Iter# Est. Velocity Actual Beg. SP Added SP Estimate Changes Ending SP
1 10 24 65 9 1 51
2 24 15 51 8 2 46
3 15 16 46 -4 -2 24
4 16 11 24 -9 9 15
5 11 17 15 -5 3 -4(0)

Velocity Graph

A velocity graph charts velocity over iterations. You can use it to:

Burn-Down Chart

Iteration to iteration, how is your project progressing to completion? The burn-down chart gives you an idea of what is happening on your project.

Story Points Completed

This is another way to look at work. In this case we’re looking at the work completed, rather than the work remaining.


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