We now need to create the Persistent Unit definition. Create a file called persistence.xml in the src/META-INF directory with the following contents:
The Steps
- Expand your project (JpaTutorial1)
- Select the src/META-INF directory
- Right click and select new:File
- Enter persistence.xml for the name and press Finish (Note: all lowercase. It won’t make a difference on Windows XP but it will on Unix.)
- Copy the contents (above) into the file and save it.
Verify This Works
- Select the test
- Right-click on entity and select new:Class
- Enter PersonTest and click Finish
- Enter the example code below:
- When you’re finished and it all compiles, right-click within the source pane, select Run As:JUnit Test
- You should see all green
- If you do not, comment out the following line and review the console output