JPA Tutorial 3 - FAQ
- Phone number length is set to 11 in the annotation in the exercise, but phone numbers are 12. What’s happening?It will get truncated (in hypersonic)//
- TDD: Is there a tool (eclipse plugin) to generate a concrete class based on a test case?Use Quick-fix (Ctrl-1 or click the icon on the sidebar) to create the class, and stub methods.//
- When do Named Queries get compiled?When you create the EntityManager factory.//
- Is there something that can use to see the db structure based on the mappings?After the entitymanager creates the db, use something like DB Visualizer//
What did we learn/observe so far (mid-day)?
- varargs for methods
- cascading types - persist, all, refresh. propagates operations (merge/update/persist/refresh) across entities. Saves you from having to persist things.
- jpa requires jdk 1.5
- the @column annotation sets the name of the column in the database. also lets you specify things like width/length (attribute of the annotation).
- debugging good
- eclipse can gen hashcode/equals
What did we learn/observe so far (end of day)?
- Brett: Why we use a DAO .
- Brett: Contrast the Library to the DAO’s .
- ? When you get your objects, they’re fully configured (nice). Brett: makes it more testable
- ? Defines attributes for a particular field in DB. Brett: affects physical characteristics as opposed to logical.
- ? saves lines of code
- ? brett: hide a warning based on actual query parameter type (not available at compile-time)
- ? You can have only one version of the annotation on a given object
- ? confusing, brett: heavy-handed/overkill
- ? helps if you decide you want to change how you’re accessing your database.
- ? have to look at code to understand what’s changing (head nods)
- ) gives compiler ability to flag problem. some class discussion of when needed, when not…
- l Brett:time/datastamp
//What else have you learned today?//
- e
- )
- .
- ? defines the sort order
//Day 3 - Tutorial #3 Questions//
- Patron has a one-to-many for fines, but no many-to-one on the fines side. Why? Just an example of a uni-directional relationship.
- Why is insertable false? (in exercise) We think: So that loan has to point at things which already exist. (as opposed to creating new loan/patron at same time)
- ? Hold off on that because the next few exercises build up additional requirements which may change your mind
//What else have you learned today?//
- //How we can create/persist a given entity//
- s
- //Query syntax is better/easier//
//Notes for Brett://
- .
- A Patron can return a book while having an overdue book
Below are the tests to check everything:
And the new feature that doesn’t allow to checkout with overdue books.
These tests are in
public void patronHasNumberOfOverdueBooks() {
final Patron p = createPatron();
final Book b1 = createBook();
final Book b2 = createBook();
library.checkout(p.getId(), CURRENT_DATE, b1.getId());
int numOfBooks;
numOfBooks = library.getNumberOfOverdueBooksOfPatron(p, CURRENT_PLUS_14);
assertEquals(0, numOfBooks);
library.checkout(p.getId(), CURRENT_PLUS_8, b2.getId());
numOfBooks = library.getNumberOfOverdueBooksOfPatron(p, CURRENT_PLUS_15);
assertEquals(1, numOfBooks);
library.returnBook(CURRENT_PLUS_8, b1.getId());
numOfBooks = library.getNumberOfOverdueBooksOfPatron(p, CURRENT_PLUS_15);
assertEquals(0, numOfBooks);
// My change
public void patronCannotCheckoutWithOverdueBooks() {
final Patron p = createPatron();
final Book b1 = createBook();
library.checkout(p.getId(), CURRENT_DATE, b1.getId());
final Book b2 = createBook();
try {
library.checkout(p.getId(), CURRENT_PLUS_15, b2.getId());
fail(String.format("1. Should have thrown exception: %s", PatronHasOverdueBooks.class
catch (PatronHasOverdueBooks e) {
assertEquals(1, e.getNumberOfOverdueBooks());
final Book b3 = createBook();
library.checkout(p.getId(), CURRENT_DATE, b2.getId());
try {
library.checkout(p.getId(), CURRENT_PLUS_15, b3.getId());
fail(String.format("2. Should have thrown exception: %s",
catch (PatronHasOverdueBooks e1) {
assertEquals(2, e1.getNumberOfOverdueBooks());
int numOfBooks = library.getNumberOfOverdueBooksOfPatron(p, CURRENT_PLUS_14);
assertEquals(0, numOfBooks);
And here are the changes in project:
There is a new exception class called: PatronHasOverdueBooks Here it is:
package exception;
* Thrown when a Patron attempts checkout while he has overdue books.
public class PatronHasOverdueBooks extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7328551028997485470L;
private final int numberOfOverdueBooks;
public PatronHasOverdueBooks(final int numberOfOverdueBooks) {
this.numberOfOverdueBooks = numberOfOverdueBooks;
public int getNumberOfOverdueBooks() {
return this.numberOfOverdueBooks;
In Library class, I added to the checkout method a validation for overdue books:
public void checkout(final Long patronId, final Date checkoutDate, final Long... bookIds) {
// Checking number of overdue books of the Patron
int booksOverdue = getNumberOfOverdueBooksOfPatron(p, checkoutDate);
if (booksOverdue != 0) {
throw new PatronHasOverdueBooks(booksOverdue);
Also, in Library class, the new method: getNumberOfOverdueBooksOfPatron
public int getNumberOfOverdueBooksOfPatron(final Patron patron, final Date compareDate) {
return getLoanDao().numberOfOverdueBookOfPatron(patron, compareDate);
LoanDao can return the number of overdue books of specific Patron:
* Return number of overdue books of this patron
* @param patron
* @param compareDate
* @return int - The number of overdue books
public int numberOfOverdueBookOfPatron(final Patron patron, final Date compareDate) {
final Query query = getEm().createNamedQuery("Loan.overdueBooksOfPatron");
query.setParameter("date", compareDate);
query.setParameter("patron", patron);
return query.getResultList().size();
It uses a new named-query. One of the parameter is the Patron (not the patron’s id). I wanted to see how the join works …
@NamedQuery(name = "Loan.overdueBooksOfPatron", query = "SELECT FROM Loan l WHERE l.dueDate < :date AND l.patron = :patron")