These instructions assume you are starting with the solutions mentioned above. If you finished JPA_Tutorial_3_A_Mini_Application, you have a few options:
- Recommended Copy that project and follow the tutorial against the copy
- Directly modify that project
Setup Basic Project
If you start with the jar file, here are the steps to get started:
- In Eclipse, create a new Project: File:New:Project
- Select Java Project and click Next
- Enter a project name, e.g. JpaTutorial4, and click Finish
- Open up the provided jar file and copy the contents into your project directory. For example, if your workspace directory is C:\workspaces\JpaAndEjb3** and your project name is **JpaTutorial4, then extract the contents of the jar file into *C:\workspaces\JpaAndEjb3\JpaTutorial4* making sure to overwrite .classpath and .project.
- In Eclipse, select your project and refresh it (right-click, refresh)
Start Database Server
This set of source files assumes you’ve setup and started a Hypersonic server. The instructions to do so are here. Note that these instructions are both for configuring your database and configuring QuantumDB. If you are not using the QuantumDB plug-in, just pay attention to the sections on Start Your Database and JPA in JSE Settings.
Verify Your Project Works
- Select your project in Eclipse
- Right-click, select Run As:JUnit
All tests should pass. Please verify that the do before you continue.