Final-ish Version
After the adding support for functions, I figured that was enough. However, once I looked at the final version, I found one thing worth cleaning up. The regular expressions are a bit confusing, but I’m OK with them. However, giving them names would clean up the code a touch for the next person (probably me) that had to support it. Here’s a quick refactoring of that:
static $PARENTHESIS ='^([()])'
static $NUMBERS_WORDS_FUNCTIONS = '^([\d\w]+\({0,1})'
static $OPERATORS = '^([^\d\w\s]+)'
static [Array]$REGEX = @( [Tokenizer]::PARENTHESIS, [Tokenizer]::NUMBERS_WORDS_FUNCTIONS, [Tokenizer]::OPERATORS )
After that, I decided to migrate the example to an Enumerator. This is that version.
Here are the most-recent final versions of these two files.
using module '.\Tokenizer.psm1'
Describe "Tokenizing an in-fix expression" {
It "Should enummerate <expression> into <expected>" -TestCase @(
@{expression = '42'; expected = @('42')}
@{expression = '123+'; expected = @('123', '+')}
@{expression = '99*34'; expected = @('99', '*', '34')}
@{expression = '1+2+3+4'; expected = @('1', '+', '2', '+', '3', '+', '4')}
@{expression = 'a'; expected = @('a')}
@{expression = 'foo+bar'; expected = @('foo', '+', 'bar')}
@{expression = '++foo'; expected = @('++', 'foo')}
@{expression = ' foo + -bar = baz '; expected = @('foo', '+', '-', 'bar', '=', 'baz')}
@{expression = '(a)'; expected = @('(', 'a', ')')}
@{expression = '(())'; expected = @('(', '(', ')', ')')}
@{expression = 'f(g(3))'; expected = @('f(', 'g(', '3', ')', ')')}
) {
param($expression, $expected)
$tokenizer = [Tokenizer]::new($expression)
for($i = 0; $i -lt $expected.Count; ++$i) {
$tokenizer.Current | Should be $expected[$i]
$tokenizer.MoveNext() | Should be $false
It "Should be possible to go through the results after a reset" {
$tokenizer = [Tokenizer]::new("42")
$tokenizer.Current | Should be "42"
$tokenizer.Current | Should be "42"
using namespace System.Collections
class Tokenizer : IEnumerable, IEnumerator {
static $PARENTHESIS = '^([()])'
static $NUMBERS_WORDS_FUNCTIONS = '^([\d\w]+\({0,1})'
static $OPERATORS = '^([^\d\w\s]+)'
static [Array]$REGEX = @( [Tokenizer]::PARENTHESIS, [Tokenizer]::NUMBERS_WORDS_FUNCTIONS, [Tokenizer]::OPERATORS )
Tokenizer($expression) {
$this.originalExpression = $expression
[IEnumerator]GetEnumerator() {
return $this
[bool]MoveNext() {
$this.currentToken = $null
$this.currentExpression = $this.currentExpression -replace ('^\s+', '')
foreach ($r in [Tokenizer]::REGEX) {
if ($this.currentExpression -match $r) {
$this.currentToken = $Matches[1]
$this.currentExpression = $this.currentExpression.Substring($this.currentToken.Length)
return $this.currentExpression.Length -gt 0
[Object]get_Current() {
return $this.currentToken
[void]Reset() {
$this.currentExpression = $this.originalExpression