FF1: The Principle of Maximum Economic Influence
Focus control on project and process parameters with the highest economic influence
FF2: The Principle of Efficient Control
Control parameters that are both influential and efficient
FF3: The Principle of Leading Indicators
Select control variables that predict future system behavior
FF4: The Principle of Balanced Set Points
Set tripwires at points of equal economic impact
FF5: The Moving Target Principle
Know when to pursue a dynamic goal
FF6: The Exploitation Principle
Exploit unplanned economic opportunities
FF7: The Queue Reduction Principle of Feedback
Fast feedback enables smaller queues
FF8: The Fast-Learning Principle
Use fast feedback to make learning faster and more efficient
FF9: The Principle of Useless Measurement
What gets measures may not get done
FF10: The First Agility Principle
We don’t need long planning horizons when we have a short turning radius
FF11: The Batch Size Principle of Feedback
Small batches yield fast feedback
FF12: The Signal to Noise Principle
To detect a smaller signal, reduce the noise
FF13: The Second Decision Rule Principle
Control the economic logic behind a decision, no the entire decision
FF14: The Locality Principle of Feedback
Whenever possible, make feedback local
FF15: The Relief Valve Principle
Have a clear, predetermined relief valve
FF16: The Principle of Multiple Control Loops
Embed fast control loops inside slow control loops
FF17: The Principle of Controlled Excursions
Keep deviations within the control range
FF18: The Feedforward Principle
Provide advance notice of heavy arrival rates to minimize queues
FF19: The Principle of Colocation
Colocation improves almost all aspects of communication
FF20: The Empowerment Principle of Feedback
Fast feedback ives a sense of control
FF21: The Hurry-Up-and-Wait Principle
Large queues make it hard to create urgency
FF22: The Amplification Principle
The human element tends to amplify large excursions
FF23: The Principle of Overlapping Measurement
To align behaviors, reward people for the work of others
FF24: The Attention Principle
Time counts more than money