Backup Properties
- File:Export:General:Preferences
- Enter/browse a file name
- Make sure to copy/email this file to yourself
Backup Projects
- Make sure Project:Build Automatically is turnedoff
- Project:Clean
- Make sure to select all projects
- Make sure Start a Build Immediately isdisabled
- Go to your workspace directory
- Select everything (should be just folders)except the .metadata directory
- Zip/7-zip all of the files into a single archive
- Make sure to copy/email this file to yourself
Create New Workspace
- At home, install and fire up Eclipse.
- When prompted, create a new workspace directory
Restore Properties
- In your new project, File:Import:General:Preferences
- Browse to your properties backup file
- Select it
- Click Finish
Restore Projects
- Unzip/7-zip your files into your newly-created workspace directory
- Note, each of your projects will be a directory under your workspace directory
- E.g. if your workspace directory is C:\workspaces\Ejb3AndJpa, then after extracting your projects you’ll have folders like C:\workspaces\Ejb3AndJpa\Ejb3Tutorial1, C:\workspaces\Ejb3AndJpa\JpaTutorial1
- Back in Eclipse, File:Import:General:Existing Projects
- Browse to your workspace directory (should just need to click browse and OK)
- Select all of your projects