This is approximately the outline I use for a 3-day TDD course. I’ve used this outline in Java, C# and C++. How far I get depends on the students and the language. The flow can vary based on where the students want to go, their experience, etc.
Day 1
- Basic TDD
- Use Rpn Calculator to teach basic TDD
- Create: plus, minus, factorial
- Observe feature envy and fix by creating Operand Stack
- Observe violation of OCP based on calculator interface and fix
- Observe violation of SRP based on evaluation:
- Introduce strategy
- Introduce factory
Day 2
- Observe violation of DRY and fix by introducing ABC + template method pattern
- Use spy classes to build ABC without creating concrete subclasses
- Update plus/minus to use
- Have them create the following additional “operators”
- Sum of all elements on operand stack
- Prime factors
- Introduce composite pattern, sum of prime factors, prime factors of sum
- General pattern discussion
- Everything is about polymorphism
- Compare and contract
- Design of pattern versus its intent
- Discuss specific patterns students ask about
- Clean Code
- Change the structure of supplied code (and unit tests) - I could follow my colleague Bob Koss and do this first
- Demonstrate refactoring after the students have done so
- Discuss characterization tests
- Discuss code smell: switch
- Demonstrate refactoring to polymorphism/strategy pattern
Day 3
- New problem (sometimes I intersperse this one with the sum of the stack and prime factors above): logging in
- Introduce a mocking library (Rhino Mock for .Net and JMock 2 for Java - hand-rolled for C++).
- Implement enough of this to discuss complexity of logic
- Discuss state pattern
- Refactor to patterns: state pattern
- Wrapup