Category | Points | Answer | Question |
Spiderman | 100 | This is what JSP stands for. | What is JSP? |
Spiderman | 110 | This is what XML stands for. | What is eXtensible Markup Language? |
Spiderman | 140 | I am the underlying framework in the Hertz RI that conroles the move, view and controller. | What is struts? |
Spiderman | 170 | I am a template for the layout of hte JSP page. | What are tiles? |
Spiderman | 180 | As an action, I talk to the Application Coordination layer through this. | What is a component? What is a proxy? |
Spiderman | 190 | I am the part of the MVS that obtains data from the model and presents it to th the user. | What is the view? |
Spiderman | 200 | Model, View, Action | What is Struts? |
Spiderman | 400 | I define a set of custom HTML elements for JSPs | What is a taglib? |
Spiderman | 800 | When you overuse me, I can cause memory problems. | What is a session variable? |
Category | Points | Answer | Question |
Standards&Practices | 100 | We number our layers as we do because of this. | How do we get our layers to sort top to bottom? |
Standards&Practices | 110 | We put our layers in different packages because of this. | To limit class visibility and enforce one-way coupling/dependency. |
Standards&Practices | 130 | If you need to access data, put your classes here. | What is the Integration layer? |
Standards&Practices | 150 | Utility classes should reside here. | What is the 60 (or Domain) layer? |
Standards&Practices | 200 | When the user interacts with the system, they are really using this. | What is the presentation layer? |
Standards&Practices | 220 | I am here to allow multiple layers to access me. | What is the Domain layer? |
Standards&Practices | 300 | If you represent TAM, this is where I reside. | What is the external resources layer? |
Standards&Practices | 800 | The user ID can be carried on me to be accessed by other layers if needed. | What is a BO? |
Standards&Practices | 2000 | I am the name of the RI layer whose number corresponds to the hex representation of ASCII Zero | What is the application coordination layer? |
Category | Points | Answer | Question |
Monkies don’t use? | 50 | I am a harnass to allow me to verify my system works in situations I program. | What is JUnit? |
Monkies don’t use? | 100 | Concurrent Version System. | What is CVS/What is the tool we use to manage our source code. |
Monkies don’t use? | 130 | I bring up the package explorer in RAD. | What is alt-shift-q-p |
Monkies don’t use? | 150 | I am a library that provides an easy way to use and create mock objects. | What is easy mock? |
Monkies don’t use? | 200 | I am a test made to provide some assurance that the system under test will not catastorphically fail. | What is a smoke test? |
Monkies don’t use? | 400 | We try to do this frequently (from a few times a day to at most every few days). | What is checking in our source code? |
Monkies don’t use? | 600 | I am the connection type used at Hertz to logon to CVS | What is extssh? |
Monkies don’t use? | 800 | We do this instead of “update” to avoid CVS putting conflict information in our files. | What is “synchronize”? |
Category | Points | Answer | Question |
Your morning cup. | 100 | POJO | What is a plain old Java object? |
Your morning cup. | 150 | To be accessible to the whole package but not to subclasses; happens where this is no specifice access modifier on a field/method. | What is default? |
Your morning cup. | 180 | I am the interface that supports access to popular database programs using SQL statements. | What is JDBC. |
Your morning cup. | 190 | I am the framework that’s based on accepted best practes and that makes “beans” available to all application types; not just web-applications. | What is Spring? |
Your morning cup. | 200 | I am a collection object with keys and values. | What is a hash map? |
Your morning cup. | 300 | I interpret bytecode into code that will run on the real computer hardware, thus eliminating the need for platform specific versions of your program. | What is the JVM? |
Your morning cup. | 400 | I am the type of constructor needed for a class to be used as a bean. | What is a default constructor? |
Your morning cup. | 500 | void, the primitives, classes. | What are the things which a method can declare to return? |
Your morning cup. | 600 | “this” and instance variables. | What does a method have that a function does not? |
Your morning cup. | 800 | The type of instance we talk to when to talk to our application coordinator. It adds declarative transactions. | What is a proxty to the interface? |
Your morning cup. | 900 | This is a keyword that to limit something so that it can only be accesses by one thread at a time. | What is “synchronized”? |
Your morning cup. | 910 | Spring uses this to talk to coordinate data services and start transactions. | t is the transaction manager? |
Your morning cup. | 2000 | When things conform to me the transaction manager can coorindate transactions across multiple datasources, thereby supporting REAL two-phase commit. | What is an XA compliant? |