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Category Points Answer Question
Spiderman 100 This is what JSP stands for. What is JSP?
Spiderman 110 This is what XML stands for. What is eXtensible Markup Language?
Spiderman 140 I am the underlying framework in the Hertz RI that conroles the move, view and controller. What is struts?
Spiderman 170 I am a template for the layout of hte JSP page. What are tiles?
Spiderman 180 As an action, I talk to the Application Coordination layer through this. What is a component? What is a proxy?
Spiderman 190 I am the part of the MVS that obtains data from the model and presents it to th the user. What is the view?
Spiderman 200 Model, View, Action What is Struts?
Spiderman 400 I define a set of custom HTML elements for JSPs What is a taglib?
Spiderman 800 When you overuse me, I can cause memory problems. What is a session variable?
Category Points Answer Question
Standards&Practices 100 We number our layers as we do because of this. How do we get our layers to sort top to bottom?
Standards&Practices 110 We put our layers in different packages because of this. To limit class visibility and enforce one-way coupling/dependency.
Standards&Practices 130 If you need to access data, put your classes here. What is the Integration layer?
Standards&Practices 150 Utility classes should reside here. What is the 60 (or Domain) layer?
Standards&Practices 200 When the user interacts with the system, they are really using this. What is the presentation layer?
Standards&Practices 220 I am here to allow multiple layers to access me. What is the Domain layer?
Standards&Practices 300 If you represent TAM, this is where I reside. What is the external resources layer?
Standards&Practices 800 The user ID can be carried on me to be accessed by other layers if needed. What is a BO?
Standards&Practices 2000 I am the name of the RI layer whose number corresponds to the hex representation of ASCII Zero What is the application coordination layer?
Category Points Answer Question
Monkies don’t use? 50 I am a harnass to allow me to verify my system works in situations I program. What is JUnit?
Monkies don’t use? 100 Concurrent Version System. What is CVS/What is the tool we use to manage our source code.
Monkies don’t use? 130 I bring up the package explorer in RAD. What is alt-shift-q-p
Monkies don’t use? 150 I am a library that provides an easy way to use and create mock objects. What is easy mock?
Monkies don’t use? 200 I am a test made to provide some assurance that the system under test will not catastorphically fail. What is a smoke test?
Monkies don’t use? 400 We try to do this frequently (from a few times a day to at most every few days). What is checking in our source code?
Monkies don’t use? 600 I am the connection type used at Hertz to logon to CVS What is extssh?
Monkies don’t use? 800 We do this instead of “update” to avoid CVS putting conflict information in our files. What is “synchronize”?
Category Points Answer Question
Your morning cup. 100 POJO What is a plain old Java object?
Your morning cup. 150 To be accessible to the whole package but not to subclasses; happens where this is no specifice access modifier on a field/method. What is default?
Your morning cup. 180 I am the interface that supports access to popular database programs using SQL statements. What is JDBC.
Your morning cup. 190 I am the framework that’s based on accepted best practes and that makes “beans” available to all application types; not just web-applications. What is Spring?
Your morning cup. 200 I am a collection object with keys and values. What is a hash map?
Your morning cup. 300 I interpret bytecode into code that will run on the real computer hardware, thus eliminating the need for platform specific versions of your program. What is the JVM?
Your morning cup. 400 I am the type of constructor needed for a class to be used as a bean. What is a default constructor?
Your morning cup. 500 void, the primitives, classes. What are the things which a method can declare to return?
Your morning cup. 600 “this” and instance variables. What does a method have that a function does not?
Your morning cup. 800 The type of instance we talk to when to talk to our application coordinator. It adds declarative transactions. What is a proxty to the interface?
Your morning cup. 900 This is a keyword that to limit something so that it can only be accesses by one thread at a time. What is “synchronized”?
Your morning cup. 910 Spring uses this to talk to coordinate data services and start transactions. t is the transaction manager?
Your morning cup. 2000 When things conform to me the transaction manager can coorindate transactions across multiple datasources, thereby supporting REAL two-phase commit. What is an XA compliant?


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