This page contains examples to use when practicing or teaching Test_Driven_Development (TDD).
Here are a few stand-alone examples: TDD_Example_Catalog
Use in a C++ Class
Here is the beginnings of an example TDD session using the Monopoly as the basis and C++ as the language.
- Notes on CppUTest
- Notes on CppULite
- TwoDayTddJavaEclipseWorkspace
- C++ Project Outline
- Moving towards a story-based expression of tests
Use in a Java Class
Use a TDD approach for the RPN_Calculator.
Next, use the Monopoly problem.
- For each “release”
- User story workshop
- Sequence user stories
- For each user story in the release:
- Develop UAT
- Create communication diagram(s) in support of the UAT’s for a given story
- Use TDD to implement it
- Check in the story
- Finish the release and move on