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My Life with a Mac

Last Friday I took the plunge and switched (mostly) from a Windows-based system to a Mac. My new employer, Object mentor provided me with a new laptop. This page captures a few notes and experiences.

The Machine

I’ve been waiting for the Intel Santa Rosa chip set to make it to a laptop. I also wanted a laptop with a good video card. Enter the updated Mac’s. Here’s the vital stats:

This is a lovely machine.

Boot Camp

I still occasionally work with C# and when using it work with the Microsoft tools, so I needed either two laptops or one machine that can run both - it’s not that I cannot use C# in other environments but rather I only used C# for teaching and when I do I’m mimicking the students’ environment. I decided to give boot camp a try.

OK, the first try was a failure as was the second. The third attempt was good but I got it right on the fourth try. Here’s the problem I encountered and then the fix:

One Successful Path

Follow the steps above but do not install the drivers off the DVD

Apply XP Updates Before the DVD Drivers

After a lot of trial and error I managed to find a repeatable (I’ve done it twice) process that works.

Finish Install

Subversion For All

OK, I installed a subversion client on my PC. I’ve had subversion running on my PC for some time now and I wanted one repository for both systems. I took th easy way out:

I mostly use Subversion in Eclipse:


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