Online Itinerary Maintenance
- As a business traveler I want to reschedule a flight in the future so that I know I can still get home but finish an important business meeting
- As a business traveler I want to cancel a flight because my schedule changes and if I don’t update it now I might forget and lose money
- As a traveler’s representative I want to inform a business traveler of a delayed flight to keep them from spending their limited free time at the airport
- A Player can land on go and receive $200
- A Player can land on Reading Railroad and purchase it
- A Player can land on Boardwalk and pay rent
Online Student Store
- I’m a student who wants to purchase books for my schedule
- I’m a student who wants to purchase supplemental materials for a course
- I’m a student who needs to get the cost for the books and materials of a semester’s schedule
- Avoid dependencies between stories Negotiable
- Not contracts, but place holders for conversations Valuable to users or customers
- Can be directly tied to something a user or customer (purchaser) wants Estimatable
- Can fit into an iteration and be approximately estimated Small
- Can be done in a “short” time & its details fit in a conversation Testable
- Can describe ways in which we know the story works
Story Guidelines
- Customer writes them
- Start with user role goal epics
- Slice the cake
- Write closed stories
- Size relative to time horizon
- Defer UI as long as possible
- Common sense, some things are not stories
- Include roles
- Write for one user
- Write in active voice
- Do not number your cards
- It’s a reminder/placeholder, not the requirements
- Put constraints on “constraint cards” (first version of quality attributes)
Story Smells
Many of these come of Mike Cohn’s work.
- Stories are too small
- Interdependent stories
- Gold-plating
- Adding too many details to stories
- Including user interface details too soon (or at all)
- Thinking too far ahead
- Splitting too many stories too early
- Trouble when prioritizing stories
- Customer won’t write and prioritize stories
- Too many user acceptance tests