These steps assume you are using the CDT’s tool set. Before following these instructions, please make sure you have followed these instructions first.
Update your path to include thebin directories under mingw and msys. These directories were installed under the Eclipse directory when installing the wascana plugin. In my particular case, I installed Eclipse under C:\learncpp\eclipse, so I added to my path for all DOS shells:
Extract the zip somewhere (I’ll be using c:\learncpp\CppUTest23 for this example)
Switch to the install directory
We don’t have a unix shell but we are using unix tools, so neither of the install scripts do exactly what we need. Manually set the variable CPP_U_TEST:
Note: you probably need to add the following line to the makefile (depends on a few variables, it is safe to always add it):
Now it’s a matter of using make:
Note, you should be able to simply type “make clean all”, that did not work so I just used 2 commands.