These instructions assume you have already worked through:this and then that.
With a working Eclipse Juno + CDT and MinGW and CppUTest built, you are ready to create your first project.
Basic Project Creation
- Start eclipse and select a project directory. For this example, I’ll usec:\learncpp\workspaces\first_example
- Close the Welcome window
- In the Project Explorer (left-most column), right-click and select New::C++ Project
- For the project name, enter SimpleExample
- Under Project Type, expand Executable and select Empty Project
What you select next depends on your environment
- Select MingGW GCC
OS X and *nix
Selecte Cross GCC (guess)
- Click FInish
Creating First Main
- Select the project SimpleExample, right-click and select New::File
- Enter RunAllTests.cpp for the name
- Enter the following code:
#include <CppUTest/CommandLineTestRunner.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return CommandLineTestRunner::RunAllTests(argc, argv);
- This does not compile, time for projet settings
Project Settings
This includes both project settings and recommended workspace settings
- Right-click on the project SimpleExample and select Properties
- Open up C/C++ Build then Settings
- Under GCC C++ Compiler first select Includes
- Under Include Paths (-I) add a new entry:c:\learncpp\cpputest\include**\
- Again in C/C++ Build then ** Miscellaneous** add -std=c++0x to Other flags - note you need to add a space first.
- Next, go to MinGW C++ Linker and select Libraries
- Under Libraries (-l) add cpputest
- Under Library searh path (-L) add c:\learncpp\cpputest\lib
- Finally, save all of your changes by clicking on OK
While your should be able to compile, you should make a few more changes.
- Set workspace preferences (Windows Window::Preferences)
- Under General select Workspace
- Enable: Refresh using native hooks or polling, Refresh on access, Save automatically before build
If having the editor complete things like “” and {} bother you:
- Under C/C++, Editor, Typing
Disable any of of the checkboxes under Automatically close as you see fit
- Save all of your changes by clicking on OK
Build and Run
Hit ctrl-F11 to build and run your tests:
OK (0 tests, 0 ran, 0 checks, 0 ignored, 0 filtered out, 0 ms)