Initial Downloads
Download cslim from github
This requires a git client.
- Create a top-level directory in which to work (this example uses ~/src/cpp_fitnesse)
[~]% cd src
[~/src]% mkdir cpp_fitnesse
[~/src]% cd cpp_fitnesse
- Use the public clone url to make a clone of the repository (as of this writing, it is:
[~/src/cpp_fitnesse]% git clone
got f463e11c5d718a50a6986a64714342b59c566d02
walk f463e11c5d718a50a6986a64714342b59c566d02
walk 9362f2b10fd30590a8f14c1caebf76cd2fcbe3ca
walk 4ac0cbd8d58cfe9c353142a5363bd39718f43acf
Get CppUTest
The README.txt in the root of the cslim directory just created uses CppUTest.
- Download CppUTest from sourceforge
- Extract the zip, creating a sibling directory to cslim called cpputest. The top-level directory name should be ~/src/cpp_fitnesse/cpputest
- Switch to that directory and build cpputest:
[~/src/cpp_fitnesse/cpputest]% make
compiling AllTests.cpp
compiling CommandLineArgumentsTest.cpp
compiling Utest.cpp
compiling UtestPlatform.cpp
Building archive lib/libCppUTest.a
ar: creating archive lib/libCppUTest.a
a - src/CppUTest/CommandLineArguments.o
a - src/Platforms/Gcc/UtestPlatform.o
Linking CppUTest_tests
Running CppUTest_tests
OK (171 tests, 167 ran, 599 checks, 4 ignored, 0 filtered out, 10 ms)
Get FitNesse
- Download fitnesse.jar, these instructions were created using the edge build #398, dated July 11, 2010, 12:49, but the release at should work fine.
- Move fitnesse.jar into ~src/cpp_fitnesse/
- The directory should look like this before you run fitnesse for the first time:
[~/src/cpp_fitnesse]% ls
cpputest/ cslim/ fitnesse.jar
Building cslim
- Go to ~/src/cpp_fitnesse/cslim
- Type make:
[~/src/cpp_fitnesse/cslim]% make
compiling FixtureInCpp.cpp
compiling TcpComLink.c
Building archive lib/libCSlim.a
ar: creating archive lib/libCSlim.a
a - src/CSlim/ListExecutor.o
a - src/Com/TcpComLink.o
Linking CSlim_cslim
Run FitNesse
The first time you run FitNesse, it will extract a base wiki and then start. After the first execution, it will just start. If you replace the fitnesse.jar with a new version, starting FitNesse the first time after that will update the base wiki, but leave the pages you created alone.
- The first execution looks like this
[~/src/cpp_fitnesse]% java -jar fitnesse.jar -p 8080
Unpacking new version of FitNesse resources. Please be patient.
.........<snip>..........FitNesse (v20100711) Started...
port: 8080
root page: at ./FitNesseRoot
logger: none
authenticator: fitnesse.authentication.PromiscuousAuthenticator
html page factory: fitnesse.html.HtmlPageFactory
page version expiration set to 14 days.
- The directory structure after running FitNesse the first time should now look like this:
[~/src/cpp_fitnesse]% ls
FitNesseRoot/ cpputest/ cslim/ fitnesse.jar
- The next time you start FitNesse, you’ll simply see the following:
[~/src/cpp_fitnesse]% java -jar fitnesse.jar -p 8080
FitNesse (v20100711) Started...
port: 8080
root page: at ./FitNesseRoot
logger: none
authenticator: fitnesse.authentication.PromiscuousAuthenticator
html page factory: fitnesse.html.HtmlPageFactory
page version expiration set to 14 days.
Create Top-Level Page
This assumes you’re running FitNesse on port 8080. Update the url with your port as necessary.
- Create a new top-level page at: http://localhost:8080/CslimFirstExamples
- Edit the contents. Set it to (note, update/User/schuchert with your top-level directory):
!contents -R2 -g -p -f -h
!define TEST_SYSTEM {slim}
!define TEST_RUNNER {/Users/schuchert/src/cpp_fitnesse/cslim/CSlim_cslim}
!define COMMAND_PATTERN {%m}
!define SLIM_VERSION {0.2}
- Save the page.
- Create a sub-page at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/CslimFirstExamples.DecisionTableExample
- Edit the contents. Set it to (note, to make the columns line up, use theFormat button):
|Modulus |
|6 |2 |0 |
|13 |27 |13 |
|5 |2 |1 |
If you click theTest Button, you’ll see a bit of yellow. It’s time to write a fixture.
Writing the Fixture
This example originated from the one provided with cslim. It’s been somewhat simplified and moved closer to C++. You can review the original example in ~/src/cpp_fitnesse/cslim/fixtures/FixtureInCpp.cpp.
- Go to the fixtures directory under your cslim installation (cd ~/src/cpp_fitnesse/cslim/fixtures).
- Create a new file, Modulus.cpp:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "SlimList.h"
#include "Fixtures.h"
struct Modulus
Modulus() {
lastValue[0] = 0;
int remainder() {
return value % divisor;
static Modulus *from(void *voidSelf) {
return reinterpret_cast<Modulus*>(voidSelf);
char lastValue[32];
int value;
int divisor;
static int getInt(SlimList* args) {
return atoi(SlimList_GetStringAt(args, 0));
extern "C" {
void* Modulus_Create(StatementExecutor* errorHandler, SlimList* args) {
return new Modulus;
void Modulus_Destroy(void* self) {
delete Modulus::from(self);
static char* setValue(void* voidSelf, SlimList* args) {
Modulus *self = Modulus::from(voidSelf);
self->value = getInt(args);
return self->lastValue;
static char* setDivisor(void* voidSelf, SlimList* args) {
Modulus *self = Modulus::from(voidSelf);
self->divisor = getInt(args);
return self->lastValue;
static char* remainder(void* voidSelf, SlimList* args) {
Modulus *self = Modulus::from(voidSelf);
int result = self->remainder();
snprintf(self->lastValue, sizeof(self->lastValue), "%d", result);
return self->lastValue;
- Update the fixture registry in Fixtures.c. This file is in the same directory. You’ll see something close to this:
#include "Fixtures.h"
- You need to add your new fixture, Modulus, in the list somewhere:
#include "Fixtures.h"
- Make your CSlim_cslim executable. Switch to ~/src/cpp_fixtures/cslim and type make:
[~/src/cpp_fitnesse/cslim/fixtures]% cd ..
[~/src/cpp_fitnesse/cslim]% make
compiling Modulus.cpp
compiling Fixtures.c
Linking CSlim_cslim
- Go back to your page and hit theTest button.
If you see mostly green, congratulations. As of this writing, there’s an exception on the slim protocol version. Once this gets fixed, I’ll update these instructions