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These are my preliminary notes on getting started with gradle. The last time I did any serious build work, I used ant, before that make and nmake; I missed using maven so coming into gradle was both easy and frustrating. Even though I did not use maven extensively, I knew its model well enough to get up and running somewhat quickly.

Gradle requires a JVM; I work mostly on OS X, so I use JSE 1.6.0_24, but any version from 1.5 on should work fine. What follows assumes you already have a JVM running. I start in a shell and only at the end finally get into an IDE.

Install Gradle

Instructions for installing Gradle are here. I’m summarizing them here, if you have any questions refer to the installation instructions.

[~]% gradle

Welcome to Gradle 1.0-milestone-3.

To run a build, run gradle <task> ...

To see a list of available tasks, run gradle tasks

To see a list of command-line options, run gradle --help


Total time: 4.304 secs

Create Initial Project Structure

Gradle prefers convention over configuration and its default assumptions about project structure mirror those of Maven. For this example, let’s assume that you’ll create a single project directory (this is to keep things simple). Also, this example demonstrates working with Java, though Gradle supports several other languages.

[~]% mkdir -p ~/src/gradle_example
[~]% cd ~/src/gradle_example
[~/src/gradle_example]% mkdir -p src/main/java src/main/resources src/test/java

Create Basic Gradle Build File

This example uses java and will ultimately use Eclipse, so here’s a basic build file that will support building and running tests if your project follows Maven layout conventions, uses JUnit and uses Maven Central to retrieve jar files:

apply plugin: 'java'

repositories {

dependencies {
  testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.8+'
[~/src/gradle_example]% gradle test
:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE
:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:testClasses UP-TO-DATE


Total time: 9.219 secs

Smoke Test With A Little Code

We’re working at the command line. Java packages relate to directories. Now you’ll create a couple of source files, one test, one production. I’ll use the package demo.rpn:

[~/src/gradle_example]% mkdir -p src/test/java/demo/rpn src/main/java/demo/rpn
[~/src/gradle_example]% vi src/test/java/demo/rpn/RpnCalculatorShould.java


package demo.rpn;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

import org.junit.Test;

public class RpnCalculatorShould {
    public void addTwoNumbersCorreclty() {
        RpnCalculator rpnCalculator = new RpnCalculator();
        assertEquals(13, rpnCalculator.xRegister());
[~/src/gradle_example]% vi src/main/java/demo/rpn/RpnCalculator.java


package demo.rpn;

public class RpnCalculator {
    public void digit(int value) {

    public void enter() {

    public void operator(String operatorName) {

    public int xRegister() {
        return 13;
[~/src/gradle_example]% gradle test
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE


Total time: 9.824 secs

Here there is a bit of a visual affordance problem. Gradle will show test execution while they are running. Once the test run, and if they all pass, the output just shows that the test task executed. However, Gradle produced some output. You can verify that your one tests executed successfully by looking at the build directory:

open build/reports/tests/index.html

My report shows one test running and passing.

On To Eclipse

If you want to create project information for Eclipse, you need to do a few things:

[~/src/gradle_example]% gradle eclipse


Total time: 8.383 secs

Note, this creates a project directory, not a workspace. You’ll need to:

In my example, I only created a top-level project directory, not a workspace directory. However, you can create an Eclipse workspace and include a symbolic link to the project. This is a bit out of scope for what I want to get covered. I only mention this here because it confused me a bit.

Preparing for git

No coding is complete without a mention of using a repository. We’ll do a touch of preparation for git and check in our initial structure. In the top-level project directory create a file called .gitignore. For this example, and assuming you have executed the Eclipse step above:


You might choose to not include the .settings directory used by Eclipse.

Now you can turn this directory into a git repository:

[~/src/gradle_example]% git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/schuchert/src/gradle_example/.git/
[~/src/gradle_example]% git add .gitignore src build.gradle
[~/src/gradle_example]% git status
# On branch master
# Initial commit
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
#    new file:   .gitignore
#    new file:   build.gradle
#    new file:   src/main/java/demo/rpn/RpnCalculator.java
#    new file:   src/test/java/demo/rpn/RpnCalculatorShould.java
[~/src/gradle_example]% git commit -m "Initial commit"
[master (root-commit) 1efa8fd] Initial commit
 4 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .gitignore
 create mode 100644 build.gradle
 create mode 100644 src/main/java/demo/rpn/RpnCalculator.java
 create mode 100644 src/test/java/demo/rpn/RpnCalculatorShould.java


The purpose of this was to give one specific example of using Gradle to build a new project from scratch. Here’s a summary of the steps:

Hope this helps get you started a touch quicker. For more information on Gradle, have a look at its extensive documentation.

Final Caution

Since we are using Maven repositories, that comes with the standard baggage associated with it. For example, if you are using a project that uses a particular release of another project, you might need to configure a few more things in the build.gradle file to make it possible to find everything. Here is an example file from another project I’ve been toying with:

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'

repositories {
    mavenRepo name: 'hibernate',
        urls: 'https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/'
    mavenRepo name: 'ERB Spring Release Repo',
            urls: 'http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/release'
    mavenRepo name: 'ERB External Spring Release Repo',
            urls: 'http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/external'

dependencies {
    testCompile group: 'org.dspace.dependencies.jmockit',
        name: 'dspace-jmockit',
        version: '0.999.4'
    testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.8+'

    runtime group: 'org.apache.derby', name: 'derby', version: '10.8+'

    compile group: 'org.hibernate', name: 'hibernate', version: '3+'
    compile group: 'org.hibernate', name: 'hibernate-annotations', version: '3+'
    compile group: 'org.hibernate', name: 'hibernate-entitymanager', version: '3+'
    compile group: 'org.hibernate', name: 'hibernate-tools', version: '3+'
    runtime group: 'org.hibernate.java-persistence',
                    name:  'jpa-api', version: '2+'

    compile group: 'org.synyx.hades',
                    name:  'org.synyx.hades', version: '2.+'

  runtime group: 'org.slf4j', name: 'slf4j-api', version: '1.6.1'

In this case I’m using Hibernate, which uses Spring. however, the spring release it uses is from another maven repository, so I’ve included a few named maven repositories as well.

Good luck and I recommend giving Gradle a try. While this example barely scratches the surface, Gradle uses scripting and convention over configuration, so it appears to result in easier to read/write/follow build files.


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