Under OS X
- Downloaded source from: http://robotframework.googlecode.com/files/robotframework-2.1.tar.gz
- Extracted it into ~/src/, which created ~/src/robotframework-2.1
- Verified that: pybot –version ran successfully (it did)
- Verified that: jybot –verion ran successfully (it did not)
- Downloaded jython 2.5 from: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/jython/jython_installer-2.5.0.jar (note, as of when I did this, 2.1 was OK, but not 2.1.1, the docs said that 2.5 should be OK)
- Executed jython install
java -jar jython_installer-2.5.0.jar
- Put it in ~/bin, which created ~/bin/jython2.5.0
- Added ~/bin/jython2.5.0 to path in my .zlogin file
- Killed my terminal screens and verified jython was now available
- Verified that: jybot –verion ran successfully (it did)