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Name Page Summary
Adapt Parameter 326 Change parameter to an adapter when you cannot use extract interface
Break Out Method Object 330 Convert method using instance data into a class with a ctor and single method
Encapsulate Global References 339 Move access to global data into access via a class to allow for variations during test
Extract and Override Call 348 Turn chunk of code into overridable method and then subclass in test
Extract and Override Getter 352 Turn references into hard-coded object into call to getter and then subclass
Extract Interface 362 Extract interface for concrete class, then use interface. Override in test.
Introduce Instance Delegator 317 Add instance methods calling static methods. Call through instance, which test subclasses.
Parameterize Constructor, Parameterize Method 379, 383 Examples of Inversion of Control (IoC)
Subclass and override method 401 Test creates subclass & passes it in/requires some IoC
Sprout Method, Sprout Class 59, 63 Create a method or class out of existing code.


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