gargoyle image Collected works and current thoughts

The Mechanics of Setting an Intention before Meditation

Why can setting an intention before meditation actually have a huge impact?

Your subconscious is good at processing things for you. However, for it to do so, you need to give it some space.

One current model of cognition is the Default Mode Network(DMN). Among other things, your sense of self might be a consequence of the interaction of the nodes in the DMN. When you are focusing on yourself, what happened, what might happen, etc., your internal voices, are mostly in the DMN (I suspect).

Meditation, heavy task focus, experiencing the current moment, have a tendency to calm the DMN.

Your unconscious processing is not done in or by the DMN. The DMN is loud, usually active, and dominates your electric meat bag.

So when you meditate, are in flow, experiencing now instead of then or later, the other parts of your brain, which normally cannot “hear” each other (because of too much electricity in your meat bag), can hear each other.

If you’ve sent an intention before meditation, as you calm your brain, that intention is something the rest of your brain can chew on.

Also, the more you allow your DMN to calm, the more these alternative nural pathways can be reinforced. Like thickening mycelium under the ground, these less prominent parts of the brain are able to form long term connections, with regular care and feeding.

Changes will take a while to happen, but you might occasionally make a huge leap because something either got reinforced, or weakened by this non DMN processing.

I previously wrote about my first such personal experience.

Published 20 February 2022

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