gargoyle image Collected works and current thoughts

This is one of those "May you Live in Interesting Times" days.

A field report from today on where the day went. It involved around 10 different technologies, because it was an interesting day.

How the Day Started

The morning started with a few minor UI improvements. We were making some simple layout changes, working in React Native.

That done, and pushed, and moved on to checking something in back end. We found and fixed an issue. That part of the system uses AWS Lambdas, and 10 other AWS systems.

Next, we realized we needed to change the key field of a new table. Switched to AWS CDT, found out you cannot change a key field. Finally fixed all of that.

Next, we started getting into what we really wanted to work on. We spend some time in the instructor portal, Angular JS, and verified a few things about how far we had gotten. Then we decided it was time to do a quick planning session.

Plan Plan Plan

We spent maybe 30 minutes working on a discovery tree for the new feature. We deferred several details for later. We have an approach to maintain trunk-based development. We made several guesses, and then asked for some confirmation.

We had enough certain stuff to work on, so there was plenty of time to wait for those answers.

The Build Failed

Having just finished a first pass at a discovery tree, we noticed the last build had failed. We could not deploy to the Google Play Console, the Apple App store was fine (though we suspect that might change the next day).

Here’s the thread of events leading to that state:

Experiment and Learn Rapidly

It took googling, reading, guessing, and 4 tries:

hail marry, will this deploy?

hail marry 2

hail marry 3

hail marry 4

Started Getting Confirmation

That done, we were just about to get back into feature work, but one of our stakeholders both answered our questions, and jumped in our zoom. We talked through some options, got some confirmation, and also got some confirmation on a few near-term dates important to the project.


This is just the latest in a series of events. Recently a number of things have happened:

We could go on, but while these hiccups are going to happen, it’s nice to be working in a way where we can simply resolve these issues as they occur.

Published 23 April 2024

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