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Modern Threading Issues

While most modern stacks handle multiple users well, especially when those users do not share data, there are still cases where knowledge of parallel/threading issues is still good to keep in mind.


A few decades ago I contributed two chapters on Threading to Clean Code. There’s an upcoming reprint of that book for its 15th Anniversary, and it brought that subject to my mind. I have not directly worked on multithreaded code in well over a decade. However, many of the problems and issues still exist in modern systems, even ones that handle “all the multi-user stuff” for you.


There are a number of issues to keep in mind when dealing with threaded implementations:

We’ll focus on data integrity here. The other three are well addressed by understanding a few fundamental algorithms:

These three algorithms capture most situations that you’re likely to encounter.

Recent Data Integrity Issues

In the past few years we’ve come across a number of situations where a multi-user system had potential data integrity issues. All of these share in common multiple simultaneous users (parallel), doing something that updated shared data.

All of these examples come from two different multi-user systems based in React-Native. All of them also use AWS Lambdas for a back-end, and storage in some data store.

There’s nothing inherently problematic with these kinds of system. If two users do not share data, then there are likely no data integrity issues. However, what happens when multiple users do depend on shared data?

Here are a number of examples that came up during development:

We’ll look at each one of these in a bit more detail.

Joining a Game

We have a system that allows players to log into a game. A typical game had a limit of 6 players, so after the 6th player joins, subsequent attempts to join the game are rejected. Each player is assigned a role, numbered 1 - 6.

The back-end system uses DynamoDb, which gives eventually consistent results.

For a number of months we’ve had an occasional kerfuffle where it seems we were losing players. It turned out to be an issue with when we decided to assign player roles. Just joining a game did not cause data integrity issues. However, in the original implementation, we combined joining a game, with assigning roles to players.

Occasionally, two players would log in close enough to each other such that they’d both be assigned the same role.

While it would have been possible rewrite how we interacted with DynamoDB, we had a desire to change how players joined a particular game anyway, so we changed the when we assigned players roles.

The original issue was assigning roles to multiple users joining a game from multiple mobile clients, that is, in parallel. To fix this, we first we expanded the domain. Rather than players joining a game directly, Players instead join a waiting room. Later, the administrator creates games and then issues a request to assign all waiting players to games.

This separated the multi-thread-safe part of the work, joining a game, from the not multi-thread-save part of the work, assigning user roles. Players instead joined a waiting room, which was thread/parallel-safe.

The administrator created empty games, then assigned players to games. Since there is only one administrator, this took the not multi-thread-save part of the code, and ran it in one thread.

In this case, the desire to introduce a waiting room pre-dated the discovery of the defect. However, discovery of the bug, raised the priority of moving to a waiting room.

Working on a shared Design

Next up, a system allowing the shared-creation of a design for installation/updating of a commercial security system. For this system, we used a Relational Database.

Such a plan has dozens of images, each image might have several elements, that might be connected. How do you make sure that multiple people can work on the same design at the same time, without conflict?

For this particular domain, the number of users on a design is generally under 5, and the users tend to work on different parts of an overall design. So while the possibility of conflict was there, given the typical use of the system, the likelihood of it happening was small.

Pre-existing in the system was the need to select an Element to edit them. This became a natural place to lock an element. We use a flag on the element for whether it is locked. Any attempt to lock when already locked fails and informs the user that the element is locked. Upon deselection, the element’s lock is released.

With proper transaction isolation, this is a clean, safe solution to the particular problem.

Players working in parallel to create a deck of cards

This is an example of an anti-case. We have another mobile game we use for our workshops where we allow small groups of players to compete in creating a deck of cards.

In this case, we have up to 4 people creating a deck of cards. Those players are likely remote, but working together. They certainly might be in a room where they can communicate, but they might not be.

What happens if 2 players create the same card?

Players attempt to create a deck with certain characteristics. If they happen to get duplicate cards, the instructor rejects their deck. However, when this happens, the team can clean up their deck and resubmit it.

In this case, there’s a shared resource, the deck of cards. The addition of cards is done in parallel. There can be a “data integrity” issue, duplicated work, but the end result is easy to recover from, all done through human interaction.

Early on we realized this was a potential issue. When we thought through solutions, we decided to play it by ear. An instructor can run the game in different ways, with different rules. So this was a false positive.

Double deleting of resources on re-render using a 2D Library in React-Native

We were using React-Native, with React-Native-Web, to produce a web and mobile application for a customer. We additionally used a 2D Graphics Library called Skia.

Skia is a powerful library, and it has its own rendering engine. This means there are at least two rendering engines running at the same time: React-Native, and Skia, and those two rendering engines are not synchronized. We did not notice an issue until we added asynchronous loading of designs.

When a user opens a design, we load it asynchronously while moving into the design view of the application. When we started doing this, we found that Skia was frequently crashing.

What ultimately caused this was rendering the Skia view before we had finished loading. In React-native, this is normal. It re-renders the view. However, since Skia has its own rendering thread, when React-Native re-rendered the view at an unexpected time, Skia would start to delete, then delete again the same resources. Deleting already-deleted memory killed Skia and required restarting the application.

The solution for this was to not render the Skia view until loading was done. We had well-defined locations where we needed Skia to be rending and where it was not. We make sure to:

The end solution resulted in cleaner code overall.

Loading Icon Resources

Another issue we encountered was indeterminate load ordering of resources. We had an issue with the order in which icons were loaded. It was possible to load a design into the system before the code to load the icons had started executing. When this happened, we’d have to re-load the design, or have several missing icons.

Since the resources were needed by other parts of the system, we moved them into a so-called provider in React-Native. Then, any code that might cause a design to be loading always executed under that provider, that is, there was a parent-child relationship between the provider and anything using Icons. The parent initializes first, guaranteeing the order of execution.

As with the previous example, this resulted in cleaner code. Things that were related moved closer together under a single place, and we removed duplication.

Sharing Data

In all of these examples, there’s some issue with sharing data:

We took different approaches for each of these problems:

Once you’ve discovered an issue with shared data, there are many approaches you might take to address it. We’ve seen 5 examples and 5 different approaches to specific problems. Are there any examples you’ve come across?

Published 14 October 2024

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